Regalia Order Form

Fill in the required fields

Instructions For Regalia Group Order

1. Fill in all the required fields.

2. Click the "Add Another" button to enter another person. Do not click the "Add Another" button if you're not adding another person to the group order.

3. Click on the "Finished" button when you are finished entering all the names for the group order.

4. If you clicked "Finished" and you see any pink blocks, this will indicate that there are required fields that were not filled in. Click on the block to edit.

5. All required fields need to be filled in before you can click the "Finished" button. To remove unwanted blocks, click on one of the completed blocks and click the "Remove" button on the unwanted block(s).


Which ceremony(ies) are you attending?
(For Multi-Ceremonies: Select all the ceremonies starting with the 1st you're attending)

What degree do you hold?

Select your option:

Institution Information (The institution you received your degree from):

  • If you select "Other" on "Province/State" below, please enter the country in the text box with the heading "Other".

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